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The type of fence panels to choose from for your garden

The Types of Fence Panels to Choose for Your Garden

There are many ways in which you can provide your garden with a truly aesthetic edge. While the presence of flowers and shrubbery is always important, fencing is another variable which can sometimes be overlooked.

Choosing the right style and design can help to protect the interior while offering up an attractive flavour. There are numerous types of fence panels to choose from, so it is normally easy to select the most appropriate based around your personal tastes.

Let us look at some common options as well as which materials are often used in their manufacture.

Picket Fencing

Picket fencing boards are some of the most traditional options and they are perfectly suited if you have been looking to imbue your garden with a quaint appeal.

Another benefit of this type of fencing is that the gaps between the boards themselves will offer a rather transparent touch while still keeping pests at bay. Many suppliers of cheap garden fencing will offer this style.

Lap Panel Fences

Lap panel fencing boards are another popular variety. In this case, the fencing consists of a series of posts cemented into the ground. These posts and vertical slats are then reinforced through the use of horizontal beams which stretch between each section.

Not only is this another type of cheap garden fencing to consider, but the installation process is generally straightforward. Lap panel fences are therefore perfect for do-it-yourself enthusiasts.

Close Board Designs

These types of fence panels are known for offering a superior level of privacy. This is why they are often employed around the periphery of a garden if it happens to be located next to a busy street.

Close board fencing is comprised of a concrete sectional base known as a gravel board which is reinforced with a series of concrete posts spaced equal distances apart. Vertical slats are then placed within each section.

You can choose from a variety of different types of wood and it is also possible to stain or paint these fences.

Scaffold Fencing

Scaffold fencing is primarily selected for its durability, as the wood and posts tend to be thicker than the variants mentioned above. Slots are cut into the sides of each posts in order to allow the horizontal planks to be dropped into place. Once completed, they will not require any nails or similar fasteners.

While this type of fencing could be slightly expensive, it is also an excellent idea if you wish to achieve a more rustic look.

Please note that these types of fence panels are sometimes available in other materials such as PVC and composite plastics. This could also be important in terms of the price of the selected fence.

Choosing the right type of garden fence panels for your home will add to its aesthetic appeal while simultaneously protecting your property. As there are many options to select, it is always wise to speak with one of the trained professionals at Clarke Fencing.

Jason Clarke

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